Fondazione MAIRE e Gruppo MAIRE are pleased to support AbiLiArt (Associazione Amici della Biennale dei Licei Artistici) and ReNaLiArt (Rete Nazionale dei Licei Artistici) in promoting the “EvolveArt” contest, which is aimed at the conception, design and creation of original artistic works on the theme of “Technology and Innovation in Energy Transition.”

The competition is open to all students in grades III, IV and V in high school of all address sections of Italian art high schools; participation is free and individual.

Young artists are asked to create original artworks on the designated theme according to the 8 guidelines indicated in the announcement. A special jury composed of representatives of the art world and experts in the field of energy transition will be formed to judge the works that reach the competition.

The winning artworks of the contest (up to 8) will be the covers of the upcoming issues of the company magazine “Evolve” - from which the name of the contest originates.

Meanwhile, the contest has been closed and the winners awarded; “EvolveArt” has become a larger project. To find out about the winning artworks and the events held click here.