Archives are a repository of stories:
The  Barbara Picutti Creative Contest is the right time to tell them!

The theme for 2024 is:

Plastic models and old working tools used by our professionals in the past have emerged from the storerooms of MAIRE’s Milan headquarters. From here, together with colleague Barbara Picutti, "engineer and humanist," as she liked to define herself, who passed away prematurely in June 2023, the idea for this creative contest aimed at our colleagues was born: to write a story related to one of the old tools or project models, explaining its history, functionality, and evolution over time.

The result was 29 wonderful stories, true and fictional, that transported the jury, chaired by Fabrizio Di Amato, Chairman of MAIRE and the Fondazione MAIRE, from childhood memories to mature ones, from technical objects of the past to reflections on new technologies, from imaginary journeys to everyday life stories.

The award ceremony was held on 13 June 2024, with the entire jury from Milan in Teams connection with 31 fellow writers from MAIRE offices and sites around the world, to award one winner and six special mentions:

Winner: Antonio De Simone, with the tale “Lotto 11”.

Special mentions:

  • Carlo Boniardi, with the tale “Tre rose rosse” – special mention: passion
  • Alessandro Calisse, with the tale “Fritz Haber: l’uomo e la storia” – special mention: historical knowledge;
  • Valter Carrolo, with the tale “The quantum pressure paradox” – special mention: imagination.
  • Fabio Ferrari, with the tale “Calibrare in sintesi” – special mention: historical archive;
  • Michele Forlani, with the tale “Biciclette, plastica e altro” – special mention: science for life;
  • Umberto Franzi, with the tale “La centrale di al nasserieh e la banconota siriana da 200 pound” – special mention: company history.

Special thanks and congratulations to all colleagues who got involved by participating in the competition!

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